Here is a look at ten common household items that can be used to make your fishing outings more efficient and successful.
A life hack is a quick solution to a common problem. Over my many years fishing I have come up with a good number of “fishing life hacks” of my own as well as have been tipped off to some great ones by my friends. Here are but a few of them that I commonly use. If you have any great ideas that I missed, drop me an email at tlapinski@thefisherman.com.
Nail Polish can be used in so many ways for the fisherman that it should be sold in your local tackle shop. From securing the wraps of a fly to changing the color of a lure to protecting the raw metal of a cut hook from corroding, the list goes on and on.
Much like nail polish, plastic zip ties have a million and one uses for the fisherman and counting. Surf fisherman have found a way to use zip ties when rigging eels which both speeds up the process as well as makes on the water repairs simple. If your reel seat starts to fail you can temporarily fix it with a few well-placed zip ties. Tired of casting those soft clams or bunker chunks off your hook? Zip tie the bait to your hook!
Electrical tape to the fisherman is like duct tape to the general fix-it guy in that if you can’t fix it with a few wraps then it probably isn’t worth fixing in the first place! But beyond fixing broken gear, electrical tape has many more uses. I use brightly-colored tape to mark pre-determined lengths on my surf rod. I set them at 40, 45 and 50 inches to assist in getting a quick measurement on a fish I intend on releasing. I have also seen spin fishermen taping their casting finger with electrical tape to avoid getting cut by braided line (although I prefer using a finger cot or basic pair of work gloves.)
I learned this one many years ago after a night of fishing chicken livers for catfish. Mix some toothpaste with a little bit of liquid hand washing dish detergent to both clean your hands as well as remove fishy odors. It works to cut the smell of eels, bunker, clams, squid and any fishy odor that you might encounter.
via 10 QUICK FISHING LIFE HACKS – The Fisherman Magazine
Bass Fishing Tips and Hacks
Basic Information and Facts about Bass
What comes to your mind when you hear the word bass? Mostly likely a largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) is what you are visualizing. Bass is a general term that is shared by several different types of this fish species. They include choctaw bass (M. haiaka), guadalupe bass (M. treculii), smallmouth bass (M. dolomieu), spotted bass (M. punctulatus), striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and white bass (M. chrysops). The fishing tips for bass on this web page are geared mostly towards largemouth bass, especially since they are one of the most popular fish sought by fishermen.
Different Types of Bass
Largemouth bass are one of the most popular game fish in North America. They are a species of black bass and considered to be an apex predator but they can be preyed upon by other fish and animals when a juvenile. Largemouth bass have a very distinct appearance, they are olive green with dark strip in a jagged strip that is horizontal along each flank. They can live up to 16 years in the wild, reaching a maximum recorded length of 29.5 inches and a weight of 22 pounds. Their diet consists of bait fish, crawfish, frogs, insects, scuds, shrimp, small fish and snakes. They catch and eat prey that can be as large as 25 to 50% of their body length.
via Bass Fishing Tips and Hacks
WATCH IN HD! Best top fishing hacks. In today’s video I go over my best fishing hacks and fishing tricks. If you enjoyed today’s video, please like, subscribe and …le & Sweet
In this video I demonstrate my top three fishing hacks. The first fishing hack consist of utilizing a dental floss container to hold your hook while you synch down …